Max Willi Fischer, Y/A Author...
Engaging today's teens with
America's yesterday
"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."
Isaiah 65:24 KJV
Ah, the joys of modern technology—where even our attempts to connect with loved ones are thwarted by the infamous robotic voice proclaiming, "All circuits are busy; please try your call again." I mean, really? Is this the high-tech version of being put on hold by the universe?
I think so. It happened to me the other day. I dialed my son's number, eager to hear his voice, but a dose of robotic rejection intervened. In a world where we've embraced electronic wizardry, a failed call feels like a personal insult, and we are paying good money for this convenience, right?
I don't know about you, but I feel like we've become divas of the digital age. We live in a world that moves at the speed of light, where every circumstance, every situation, every phone call is crucial in the eyes of the beholder. These high expectations demand our cellular connections to work flawlessly on the first try.
So, there I am, grappling with the inconvenience of a rejected call, when a divine epiphany hits me: God's hotline is never jammed. Ever. There is no robotic voice telling anyone to try their prayer again--later.
In the grand scheme of God’s love, we are VIPs in His spiritual network. No busy circuits, no call waiting—just a heart-to-heart link that operates 24/7. It's a salvation connection that doesn't rely on bars or signals. Beloved, we have a direct line to our Creator. All you need is to believe in Him, believe in the sacrifice on Calvary's cross, and believe in our Savior’s epic resurrection.
Truly, God wants your heart, your soul. He doesn't want your dropped calls. His spiritual hotline doesn't know the meaning of "All circuits are busy." In fact, he's the ultimate multitasker—always ready to answer before you even dial the cosmic number. God acts on our behalf declaring "… it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear" (Isaiah 65:24 KJV).
Oh, precious one, fear not the dreaded "busy circuits" of earthly woes. God hears your voice and speaks straight to your heart. We never have to worry about network outages or spiritual drop-offs. Today, my friend, be bold—make that direct connection to God. Once you're spiritually linked, you won't ever have to try your call again. He's not only a prayer away but also a constant presence in the divine Wi-Fi of your soul.
Heavenly Father,
I am grateful for the unceasing presence of the Holy Spirit and for the heart-to-heart link that operates 24/7. Thank you for never being too busy for me. May I never be too busy for You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Spiritual Sparks:
There are times our modern technology is unreliable. However, God's spiritual hotline is always reliable and available. How does this analogy resonate with you, and do you find comfort in the idea of having a direct line to God with no disruptions?