Max Willi Fischer, Y/A Author...
Engaging today's teens with
America's yesterday
"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.”
Psalm 55:17 KJV
Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the profound truth that God is aware of every word you utter? It's not just our spoken words. Nope. He hears the unspoken thoughts that linger within the recesses of our heart, even before we articulate them. Our Almighty Creator listens to the whispers of our soul. Isn't that awe-inspiring, but still humbling?
If you consider the breadth of God's hearing, he not only has the unwavering ability to capture our positive affirmations but also the moments when frustration erupts into complaints or when our tears flow into the depths of despair.
His listening skills encompass the entire spectrum of human emotion and expression. I cannot fathom the extreme vastness this covers, can you? The Divine knows and acknowledges every facet of our existence.
Yet, it doesn't stop there. God's attentive ear extends beyond our personal narrative in order to circumscribe our perceptions of others. He also hears our caring and gracious thoughts toward all things. Think about it. The Almighty knows the first thought that pops into our head, which can be comforting, but also a bit unsettling. Our omniscient God is privy to the intimate details of our relationships and the beauty of our compassionate hearts.
Precious One, let us not forget prayer time. God hears every prayer, not just as a distant echo or a flippant muttering—but as an immediate and intimate conversation. Every…."Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice” (Psalm 55:17 KJV). Let us remember in every moment of anguish or joy, in the silence of midnight or the first light of dawn, our prayers reach His ears. Embrace the reassurance that God not only hears but responds to your joy or the cries of your heart.
Heavenly Father,
Embrace me with the reassurance that You not only hear me, but you hug the cries of my heart. Grant me the ability to choose good words, think good thoughts, and glorify You in every prayer I voice. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my words and knowing my thoughts. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Spiritual Sparks
1. As the devotions opens, do you agree there is a profound truth that our God is aware of everything you say? Reflect on how this awareness might impact your daily life.
2. As the devotion concludes, do you find you’re encouraged to understand God not only hears your prayers but responds to your needs? Reflect on what ways you’ve experienced or interpreted God's responses to your prayers or the cries of your heart.