Max Willi Fischer, Y/A Author...
Engaging today's teens with
America's yesterday
“We now have this light shining in our hearts. We are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.
This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”
2 Cor 4:7 NLT
Dark. Wet. Weird.
I sat cross-legged on the ocean floor, alone, detached from the world.
In the distance, clay pots filled with reedy plants swayed in the murky water. Fingers of shimmering sun highlighted their abandoned existence, much like a magnifying glass accentuating the fruitless remnants of life.
Time seemed insignificant. No perspective dawned this atmosphere. No plan of operation. No creator breathing energy into the intricately made vegetation. Each coexisted in an era of nothingness. I wanted to reach out, grab life, and hug it back into some semblance of realism. But elements of the dismal underwater cocooned me in a tasteless, odorless warmth. It felt unearthly good, unearthly real, unearthly calm. Serenity echoed screams of silence inside my head.
A dream? You bet. But more like the epitome of fragile weirdness.
Beloved, we all have insufferable seasons of anxiety, where life wobbles to the imbalance of time, where problems override the tilt button, and bizarre little plants in clay pots dot the ocean floor. It is in those moments I glance up and whisper, “God, I know You are there. I know You see me.”
Without Him, without His strength to lean on, our lives become stagnant, as if sitting in the shadows of chaotic nothingness. His ultimate power connects us to the spiritual tick-tock of His perfect timing. In other words, God syncs our walk with His, and “We now have this light shining in our hearts. We are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves” (2 Cor 4:7 NLT).
Dear friend, life’s problems were never meant to be tackled alone. Let’s take a look at Moses as he stands next to the Red Sea. Trouble in all directions. God gives the command, Moses lifts his staff toward the vast water, and God's great power parts the Red Sea. Problem gone, right? Wrong. It takes boundless faith and candid belief for God’s ultimate power and perfect timing to part our dark waters.
Isn't it awesome to know when God delivers us from our crisis, it is as much a testimony to our adversaries as it is to us? Beloved, there will always be trials, there will always be an enemy lurking somewhere. But our God with His unconditional love "will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb 13:5). He is always ready to pull you from the murky depths and plant your feet on dry land.
Heavenly Father, I am Your clay pot, mold me, guide me, protect me. When the fragile weirdness creeps into my life, show me Your great power and deliver me from the shadows of chaotic nothingness. Thank you for all that You are, all that You do. In Jesus name'. Amen.