Max Willi Fischer, Y/A Author...
Engaging today's teens with
America's yesterday
“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV
This week overflows with love, a tangible warmth spreading through homes and communities. Love is like the flicker of a fireplace flame, small yet steady, but still bright enough to guide us, gentle enough to comfort us, and strong enough to melt even the frostiest hearts.
But where does this extraordinary love come from? Not from candy canes or shiny presents wrapped with bows (though those are fun). True, lasting love springs from the very heart of our souls, planted there by the Holy Spirit. It’s the kind of love that made Heaven lean down and hug the earth—a love so fierce and tender that it arrived in the form of a baby, wrapped not in gold but in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
I’m sure each time Mary and Joseph cradled Jesus, their hearts filled with overflowing love. That same love fills us. As the Holy Spirit whispers into our soul, his love spreads warmth and light to everyone around us—our spouses, friends, strangers, even the neighbor who borrowed the lawn mower three months ago. It’s not just our love ... it’s God’s love flowing through us like a river of grace.
Precious one, take this week (and every week!) as an opportunity to express your love. Hug someone a little tighter, send an unexpected card, or practice forgiveness without hesitation. It’s important to remember Christmas is more than tinsel and twinkling lights; it’s … “faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV).
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of love. Help me reflect Your perfect love to everyone I meet. Let my heart burn brighter and share with everyone who I see. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Spiritual Spark Challenge:
Take a few moments this week to think of someone in your life who might need to experience God’s love. You might have to step out of your comfort zone, but show them some kindness, patience, or grace.